From the starting line

Light Nimbus
2 min readApr 26, 2021
Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

Often starting something new can be daunting. My mind builds up this never-ending list and taking the first step frightens me. I’m fearful of doing something the wrong way and failing. There is the “what should my first step be?”. Or the ever crippling “Do I need my own blog platform?”. Truthfully there is no right or wrong way to start something. In the words of 12-year-old me who loved everything Nike — Just Do It.

If all you can do is crawl, start crawling — Rumi

It has been daunting for me. I have wanted to start writing for many years and never have taken that leap. Sure I have written random articles here and there, but nothing consistently. So, here I am attempting again and hoping this time I will be able to stick to it. Not just for the fact of saying “Hey I write blog posts”, but more to improve on myself and learn to get over the initial fear of taking the first step and continuing onward.

So if you love plants, enjoy drinking coffee, like having fun outside, are a bit crazy about Star Wars, or just are looking to read something a little different yet the same — I hope you enjoy the upcoming posts.



Light Nimbus

Frontend Engineer \ Graphic Designer \ Photographer \ Die-hard baseball fan (go @redsox!) and soccer fan!